The subscription to is straight forward - no binding and no hidden fees!

When you sign up for your business and start your subscription, you commit to one month, which is prepaid when ordering. Should you - against expectations, wish to cancel the subscription, it will be made easy once you are logged in. You can not expect results from email campaigns within four weeks unless they include quotes that are well below market. Therefore, we recommend that you launch campaigns based on your chosen strategy for at least three months while evaluating.
Subscription completely without binding!

✔ No startup fee ✔ Monthly charge ✔ No binding

Our terms are in normal writing!
Order: subscriptions can only be ordered and purchased online through this website. Your confirmation and invoice is your documentation.

Payment: is a subscription that is charged monthly in advance. When ordering is thus charged in advance of one month. The minimum price is therefore USD 22 for the cheapest subscription. See prices here.

When ordering, you confirm that we may withdraw your monthly payment on the payment card specified until your subscription is terminated.

Card payments are made and managed by which is one of the largest providers of online payment in the world. All online payments are made via secure encrypted connection.

Phone support is not provided on subscriptions. After login, you will have access to a comprehensive online help archive, in the form of descriptive and educational articles, and you will have the opportunity to ask online questions, in writing. Usually you can expect a response within 24 hours on all weekdays.
Your subscription is valid for 30 days. If you order on March 15, it is valid until April 14.

You can cancel your subscription under My Data - company information, under login. If the cancellation is clicked no later than 7 days before the end of the prepaid period - in the mentioned example, ie no later than 7 April - then the collection on your payment card will be stopped before the next period, otherwise one more period will be withdrawn.

Important! does not permit the posting of email campaigns containing pornographic content, sexual services or dating. Any attempt to send e-mails with content that is considered by our filters to have such content will be stopped before sending and the subscription will be stopped with immediate effect without refund.
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