All marketing is an investment that should give more customers in the store! How to get it and why is email marketing a good investment? find the answers in our FAQ!

Is Email Marketing The Right Marketing Tool For Your Business? Can you benefit? What does it require of you and your employees? What does it cost? Why is the safe choice of email marketing platform? We hope you find the answers to your questions and are able to make the choice that is best for your business.
What is Email Marketing?
In short, email marketing is structured sending of emails with advertising and information to current and potential customers.
You will probably receive promotional emails or newsletters from suppliers you have purchased from or from websites where you have signed up for their newsletter.
Email marketing is an old, well known and proven marketing channel which statistically gives better response and results than anything else!
What can e-mail marketing do?
E-mail marketing can both retain existing customers and create new ones. Sure, the reader is interested in everything you post, but you end up getting "top of mind" when the reader needs one of your products or services at some point.
E-mail marketing must be structured - if you have a car dealership, then you will send an e-mail with news and seasonal offers every month, also you will send a time-limited offer for example in March, where customers can have their summer wheels fitted again, it same in October for the winter wheels. You will also send an invitation in May, with a good offer in June to have the car holiday checked before the summer holidays.
These emails must be graphically produced and entered into the system, the campaigns must be created with broadcast sequences and then the robot controls the broadcast.
How much time does it take to benefit from e-mail marketing?
An e-mail campaign requires:
- an email template (content and images)
- one or more recipients

Current customers and potential must be created in the e-mail system.
As potential customers change status - ie are converted from potential to paying - this status must change in the e-mail system.

There is a big difference between usability and the robots' ability to "act themselves"! is "made in Denmark" but comes in English. It's developed to make e-mail marketing easy. If you have 500 customers who need to be created from the beginning and you need to insert links on websites so that visitors to websites can sign up and thereby create themselves in and finally they need to define 10 campaigns, then it takes two hours to get started , first time.
Depending on your ambitions, you should subsequently expect at least one hour of maintenance per week.take to benefit from e-mail marketing?
Does it take an agency to get started with email marketing?
Historically, many of the companies that use email marketing have put this task in the hands of an agency or hired a marketer (SOME) with workers.
This is because most email marketing systems require IT skills to pay off.
With you can do it yourself. The interface is English, the setup is logical and the built-in robot performs many of the operations that in other systems require human touch.
An example:
In most systems on the market, names and email addresses must be maintained manually - so you must remember to create or import new items to receive the campaigns.
In you can send an e-mail with some codes and the system robot makes sure that they are created in the database. It saves time but at the same time this feature allows everyone in the company who receives emails from potential customers to forward.
What results are realistic with email marketing?
The benefits of email marketing cannot be given in a single answer. Overall, all international surveys show that 3-7% of recipients interact.
What is interaction?
If the email contains a "buy now button" and the offer is good then 0.5 to 2% click on this button.
If the email contains a "sign up now" button and the event is interesting, then 3-5% click on this button.
If the email contains a "read more" button and the topic is exciting, then 4-8% click on this button.
An e-mail can contain many different "action" buttons and if the experience is added together, it gives an average of 3-7%.

Mathematically, a campaign for 500 recipients will therefore have a response of approx. 15
1000 recipients will have a response of approx. 30 o.s.v
If 500 recipients receive 12 different campaigns in one year, the response is raised to 180.

Email marketing also provides more conversions than anything else. Take the example with an email from a potential customer. He she sends an email with a query. You or an employee answers and maybe you make a phone call as a follow-up, whose phone number is stated, but if the potential customer does not buy or act further, she goes into oblivion.
If the potential customer receives a follow-up email automatically and also receives all the news emails, the chances increase that the potential customer will be converted to a buying customer.

Email Marketing Costs Less Than Social Media Ads!
Email has no limits - you can write as much as you want, offer what you want and the statistics show that more people read the good offer email than posts on social media.
What does e-mail marketing cost?
Most e-mail marketing platforms are sold in subscription form and prices start around $ 20. per month.
In addition, the time to be spent along the way or the cost to the agency if the task is outsourced.
If is chosen as the platform and you use the included e-mail templates and even spend one hour a week, then a subscription incl. mail for 499 items cost $ 20 a month.
The cost is e-mail marketing depends on the platform You choose!
How fast does e-mail marketing give results?
If your email campaign contains an offer no one can live without, then most people order right away or show up physically.
If your e-mail campaign is informative and repeated then the awareness rate increases by 3% for each campaign and the chance increases that the reader chooses you when he / she needs a product or service like yours.
If the goal is to get customers to buy a subscription service, then surveys show that three campaigns provide 1.5% new subscriptions. If the campaign is sent to 500 recipients, it will give at least 7.5 subscriptions after three months!
Everything is of course relative. The hit rate will never be better than campaign content, messages and timeliness!
There are many pertinent questions about email marketing. Beginners will ask "What is E-mail Marketing?" and the experienced would like to know more about time consumption, efforts and costs. Below you will find detailed answers to the most typical:

What is E-mail Marketing?
What can e-mail marketing do?
How much time should one spend on e-mail marketing?
Does it require an Agency to get results in E-mail Marketing?
What results are realistic with e-mail marketing?
What does e-mail marketing cost?
- here you get all the answers!

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