How email marketing can fulfill all your wishes:
Email marketing is best when customers need to be retained as well as buy more and when old customers need to be reactivated!
When the travel companies send offer emails every week with travel offers or the supermarket chain sends their offer newspaper per. email, then it is because it maintains contact with current customers and increases the chance to resell or buy even more. At the same time, there is no censorship of what you offer or the length of text - no censorship as on social media and therefore e-mail marketing is profitable when the contact must be maintained and old customers must be reactivated!
E-mail can link to subpages, booking, order, read more pages - only the imagination sets limits!
Again, there is no censorship - you want to link to a subpage on your website or the booking system, your own blog, an article on a completely different website - everything is possible in emails and you choose whether emails should be text, like the ones we send from Outlook and Gmail or html. You can do it all in and thus create all kinds of online traffic.