Yes - because a cloud-based platform requires less power!
Au2Mailer is a cloud-based SaaS platform and users do not have to install software on their own computer. Therefore, power is saved during installation and every time the software is updated.
Data processing - customer reviews, blog articles and email campaigns - is done on a shared server in the cloud instead of on every single computer and again power is saved. helps saving electricity
Yes - because a platform, with a built-in robot, requires fewer resources!
All the robot functions in Au2Mailer reduce the need for manual entries and executions.
- The mail lists do not have to be updated manually by a human!
- Sending out email campaigns does not require a physical click!
- Websites do not need to be updated with new customer reviews manually!

Most things happen in the cloud, automatically and do not require resources. This saves resources in the form of people, computers and facilities. saves manpower
Read about Smart Blogging >> Read about Review Marketing >> Read about email marketing >>

Au2Mailer will - as an online marketing platform - quickly give your business benefits by reactivating lost customers, attracting new ones, improving positioning online and making customer review work a breeze. And at the same time, the platform is good for climate change!

All cloud-based online marketing platforms reduce power consumption globally. The more robotic functions the platform has, the more human and computer related resources are saved - from the manufacture of computers and accessories to the time it takes to operate on a daily basis. Au2Mailer has lots of AI and built-in robot functions, which makes the platform extra climate-friendly and Co2 saving in the long run.
For example, you only need to spend time pasting a customer review script on your websites, after which the latest accumulated ratings are downloaded and displayed automatically. Emails from potential customers can be forwarded to the Au2Mailer robot, which itself takes care of updating the mailing list. Lots of AI and robot features that make the platform extra climate friendly.

Does your choice of online marketing platform affect the climate?

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